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ROE Visual Onboards Young Talent

ROE Visual Europe Fortifies Client Support

Leek, The Netherlands, (28 June 2022) – ROE Visual continues to invest in skillsets that support its growth in virtual production technology, reflecting its expanding interest in this field. ROE Visual further fortifies its in-house expertise and client support abilities by adding young, specialist talent to the team.

ROE Visual welcomes Jelle van Abbema to the ROE Visual Europe team as a Technical Support Engineer specializing in virtual production-related technology. Jelle joins the team after concluding a successful traineeship and finalizing his thesis on GhostFrame Technology in an XR Studio Environment.

Jelle van Abbema

Fascinated by the interface between theatre and technology from a young age onwards, Jelle is well-versed in using technical-orientated solutions within a live event environment, working as a freelance technician, programmer, and solution-designer. "I have learned that technology often offers many different angles to look at and, eventually, solve a problem. Working for ROE Visual gives me the unique opportunity to work on high-level projects with first-class products, quite an exhilarating challenge", comments van Abbema.

"With the current engineering team, we cover all facets of the markets we serve, covering live-event to film and broadcast technology."

In his new role, van Abbema will be working on further developing new applications for LED technology, like the GhostFrame technology, sharing findings with partners like disguise, Megapixel VR and ARRI. In addition, he will offer regular client support, demos, and ROE Academy training events.

"Always on the lookout for new talent, we're delighted to have Jelle joining our team. His disguise programming skill fills the gap in our in-house expertise, ranging from in-depth LED knowledge to experienced camera technology. With the current engineering team, we cover all facets of the markets we serve, covering live-event to film and broadcast technology. Our in-house expertise enables us to support our clients with an extensive scope of know-how. Our R&D teams continuously work to translate our findings into products and services we offer," states Roelof Bouwman, Managing Director for ROE Visual Europe.

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